Streets of Chance Poetry

📃🪶"You'll Regret It"

Last Updated: 3 months, 3 weeks ago

I wrote this poem about the pressure to know what we want, to do what's best, to always hold people close no matter how they treat you, to and not ever make the wrong choices, to not take a break, to "live in the real world", to always be worried about time running out. In essence, all the pressures people put on us of the YOLO and FOMO variety, which cause us to live lives we don't want to and do things we definitely do regret, and regret what we failed to do, all because we did not understand our biases and ironically listened to other people's "you might regret it otherwise".


Is all I do, I force myself to do nothing else

Feel my feelings when they are all I feel

I want to heal so I guess that means

I just have to obsess over trauma with no pause

"Remember Death"

They say

Momento Mori

It's supposed to make you appreciate life


Now Death the only thing that brings me joy

An irony that spites them In their self-satisfying smugness So unreflective

"Think endlessly of what you could miss" And that is what I do

"Think always of what you could regret" And that is all I do

"Think of how you could never see them again" And that is all I do

"Think of how this could be the last thing this get to say to them" And this is all I do

It's gotten to the point where I hate people

For all the emotional baggage they bring And all the emotions I feel like I owe them

Whenever they have something to ask me to feel Another crate they drop off on my cart Another load I can bear for them while I'm at it To take the burden on my way

Frankly, I'm tired of people appealing to my emotions

Appealing to the fear of loss

And using dirty tactics to reach me

Appealing through ways that only work

Because of backchannels they left in me

On their way out

Why can't I be allowed to hate for once Or get revenge

Since I've always known since 14 that revenge wasn't worth it

Because I live endlessly in my head

Always thinking of consequences, never acting

And beyond that, thinking of possibilities

And the Just In Case, the Worst Case

And why oh why

Can't I quit my abusers from my life

And in my mind

What will it take?


Now I understand the Crown of Choice1 And paralysis that brings

But we need to live in the moment

However great the idea of eternity brings

However short finite life feels

And how much we want to cling to eternal life

Because we're taught, or ingrained to think

And our brains learn so easily

That if it's not perfect in the end

Then it was never worth it

And same if it's just finite

And so a column of ants we build a tower to the sky, ever upward

But what is it to me

If you disregard my dream because

It's mine

However silly it be to you

I needn't listen to the hurts you bring me on that platter

Served up ready for me the moment I spoke, no, thought, no, dreamt a thought

Because I still love my dream

And that's all I need

But anger is okay too

1 See The Indecisive King and abilities of The Crown of Choice

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