Streets of Chance Poetry

🗺️🧭 Other Worlds

First Draft Created: 30 Jul, 2024
Last Updated: 1 month, 3 weeks ago

The jungle vines curled
Around the dense foliage

And as I made my way
To Tarzan's old house

I asked myself
Why I find myself here

Explorer though I be
Tenacious as I am

I cannot seem to find a purpose
For the things I do

Wondering now in ancient Egypt
Along the river Nile

I ask myself why Hatshepsut's Tomb
Held me in such revile

If the morbidity of dead bodies
Is too much for my sensibilities
not my style

Then why am I now by Marianne's side
As Mr Dashwood breathes his last
and leaves them naught

Books have always led me
Stories capture my brain
Games and movies, other worlds
Will be my downfall, my distraction, my sweet bane

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