Streets of Chance Poetry

📵 Object of my Objections

First Draft Created: 25 May, 2024
Last Updated: 2 months ago

Immense frustrations with my phone have forced my hand, leading me to resort to writing it a poem.

Object of my objections

I hold you in no affection

For YOU are my life's greatest bane!

For my failure in communications

And breakdown in relations

Why you, yes YOU can be blamed!

Device of detestation

You care not for devastation

As my Uber attempt goes unsought

Message uncreator

Call and upload frustrater

Have shame, for the pain that you've wrought!

Oh despicable phone who hath fallen apart

How truly vexatious art thou!

For whom, whom on earth would companion abandon

Oh! How loathsome, how foul!

Why, what worse friend be there, to one's time of need

Than would mockingly greet, then farewell?

As you slowly restart, abrupt freeze then desist

You relentlessly doom me to hell

Infernal machine, leaving ME to my none devices

A well-devised torment indeed

Acutely inconvenient, solo you leave me

My soulless and silicon fiend

Oh curse you, curse you, you miserable beast

No technological feast

Art thou

Worse than mosquito

Most irking irrito

Your replacement is imminent now

And so, let it be said

That to me you are dead

Not much longer, my target of wrath

For soon as I have lucre

I'll be freed from you, you fucker

For your crimes, may you fall in a bath!

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#frustration #humour #technology #📃Poetry